How To Make A Lace Front Wig

lace front wig.

The type of wig you wear will determine how you look. Getting a 13×4 lace front wig is bound to make you stand out from the crowd. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on wigs, you can make your own. Here are the steps you will follow when you want to make a lace front wig.

1.      Get the right measurements

If this is your first wig, then chances are you do not know the right measurements. Work with a dummy head that fits your wigs as it is easier to adjust your measurements there. The first thing you need to do is measure the circumference of the head where the wig will reach.  Also, ensure that you get the measurement on how far your part will come. It should meet at a 90-degree angle with a line from one ear to another.

2.      Get the right wig cap for your lace front wig

Ensure you get a wig cap that fits snuggle but is not too tight. Secure it on the dummy head using pins, then add a trim of lace around the front. It will be used when it comes to styling. You might need to adjust it to ensure everything fits in place, so be patient. Do not skip over this step, as that is what will lead to your wig cap looking like it was squeezed together.  Lay it flat and ensure there are no bumps. You might need to cut and join some areas so everything comes together nicely.

3.      Get the hair for your lace front wig

Choose the type of hair weave you want to put on your wig and comb through it. Once you do that, mark the areas on the wig cap that will be partitioned. It will ensure you know how to sew in your hair once you start. Once all that is set, gather your sewing supplies.

4.      Load your needle

Get your needle set and load in some hair. To ensure that the wig does not get overweighed and start sagging, ensure you use as little hair a possible on the hook before attaching it to the cap. It is also recommended to have a plan on how you are going to sew in the hair. People often start with the sewing process only to realize later on that they have run out of hair or left irregular spacing around the entire cap. Planning it out ensures you do not make this mistake.

Trim away the excess lace

Trim away the excess wig once you are done with sewing in the hair. Using your scissors, cut away all the lace that has no hair on it. It would help if you left enough allowance for this at the edges of the wig you were making. Leave a small border for easier applying,

 Last words

The good thing about making your wig is that you control everything that goes into the wig. Take your time and work on your wig, and you will have fun with it.


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